Simple, Complex, Compound Sentence

Simple, Complex, Compound Sentence

A simple sentence has ——–

a) Only one subject and many verbs.

b) Only one subject and one finite verb.

c) Only one subject and two verbs.

d) A subordinate clause.

Ans:  b

A simple sentence consists of —-

a) one clause

b) more than one clause

c) two clauses

d) more than two clauses

Ans: a

What is a simple sentence?

a) A small sentence.

b) An assertive sentence.

c) A one-clause sentence.

d) An easy to understand sentence.

Ans: c

Simple sentence—

a) I saw that he was reading .

b) I saw him reading.

c) I saw him when he was reading.

d) I saw a man who was lame.

Ans: b

Which of the following sentence is a simple sentence?

a) in spite of his poverty he is happy.

b) I know that he is rich.

c) Do or die

d) I respect him as he loves me.

Ans: a

A complex sentence has ——-

a) One principal clause and one or more subordinate clause.

b) One subject and more subordinate clause.

c) One principal verb and one clause.

d) none of this

Ans: a

‘I know what his name is’ is a ——sentence.

a) compound

b) complex

c) simple

d) exclamaroty

Ans: b

Although he is rich, he is an honest man. This is a —-

a) simple sentence

b) complex sentence

c) compound sentence

d) multiple sentence

Ans: b

What kind of sentence is —— ‘Fight till you die’?

a) simple

b) complex

c) compound

d) complex- compound

Ans: b

Which one is a complex sentence?

a) He is poor but honest.

b) There is no mother but loves her child.

c) Do or die.

d) He tried hard to help me.

Ans: b

There is no mother but loves her children. the sentence is –

a) simple

b) complex

c) compound

d) complex- compound

Ans: b

Which one of the following is a complex sentence?

a) Only the graduates need apply.

b) He is better than any other boy in the class.

c) We eat that we may live.

d) We saw him writing a letter.

Ans: c

Which one of the following is a complex sentence?

a) Some students like to study in the morning.

b) I hate running , but like walking.

c) They are studying because they have a test in the afternoon.

d) Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Ans: c

‘Jumping up he ran away’ This sentence is-

a) simple

b) compound

c) complex

d) gerund

Ans: a

What type of sentence ‘work or you will fail’ is?

a) a complex sentence

b) a compound

c) an optative sentence

d) a simple sentence

Ans: b

‘Do ro die’ is a —— sentence.

a) simple

b) complex

c) compound

d) interrogative.

Ans: c

‘We must not be late, else we will miss the train ’ this is a –

a) compound sentence

b) complex sentence

c) simple sentence

d) interrogative sentence.

Ans: a

Which one is a compound sentence?

a) As I am weak I cannot walk.

b) Owing to weakness I cannot walk.

c) I am weak but I can walk.

d) I can walk although I am weak.

Ans:  c

A compound sentence mush have —–principal clause.

a) more than one

b) three

c) four

d) none

Ans:  a

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